An Introduction to Yoga


What does the word yoga mean ? For some, it is a way to get slim, for others, to put on muscle or to become flexible and for many it's a way of life. Yoga literally means union. The advantages of yoga are almost endless. Overall philosophy of yoga is about connecting the mind, body and energies.

The four traditional paths of yoga are:

Bhakti (devotion)
This aims to establish the path of devotion. It involves the emotional aspect of mind.

Karma (action/selfless service)
This is a path of selfless service. It involves the active aspect of mind.

Jnana (knowledge/self-study)
This is a path of wisdom. It involves the intellectual aspect of mind.

Raja (self discipline/practice).
This involves meditation and a series of disciplinary steps known as eight limbs of yoga. It involves a mystical aspect.

They all have same source but a certain aspect of mind is used in a particular path. There are different styles of yoga. A person chooses based on levels of physical ability.

1. Ashtanaga yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is eight-limbed path towards achieving the state of Samadhi. These are the eight limbed path.

Yamas - Five universal principles, ethics and moral observances to live life.

Niyamas - Five spiritual and self-discipline observances.

Asana - yoga postures

Pranayama - breathing exercises to regulate the flow of prana (vital life force)

Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the senses

Dharana - Single pointed concentration

Dhyana - Meditation

Samadhi - Liberation

2. Bikram yoga

Bikram yoga is named after Bikram Choudhury and features a sequence of set poses in a room—typically set to 40% humidity. Bikram is a style of yoga most known for its"hot yoga" classes.

3.Hatha yoga

Hatha Yoga is a preparatory process of Yoga. These are normally practiced more gradually and with more static stance holds than a Vinyasa flow or Ashtanga class. Hatha practices are designed to align and calm your body, mind, and energy in preparation for meditation. Hatha means ‘force’ and is more traditionally defined as ‘the means of attaining a state of yoga through force’

 4. Iyengar yoga

Iyengar yoga was founded by B.K.S. Iyengar and emphasizes on alignment as well as detailed and precise movements. The symbol of iyengar is the intense focus on each posture.

5. Kripalu yoga

Kripalu yoga is a gentle hatha yoga practice in a compassionate way. It is a challenging approach to asana practice that gives importance to meditation and breathwork.

6. Power yoga

Power yoga is used to describe a physically demanding, vinyasa-style yoga. It closely resembles ashtanga and was an attempt to make ashtanga more accessible to Westerners.

7. Kundalini yoga

This form of yoga is different than any other, due to its focus on advanced breathing and the movement of energy through the entire body. The practice is to awaken the energy at the base of the spine in order to draw it upward through each of the seven chakras.

8. Jivamukthi yoga

This style gives importance of connection to Earth as a living being. Most of Jivamukti devotees follow their vegetarian philosophy. This style is close to ashtanga in the vinyasa flow through asanas.

9. Sivanandha yoga

Sivananda yoga is a form of hatha yoga founded by Swami Sivananda and introduced to west by Swami Vishnu devananda. It has a total of twelve asanas. Five main principles of Sivananda yoga are asanas, pranayama, savasana, vedanta, dhyana. 

10. Vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa yoga considered as the most athletic yoga style. Vinyasa was adapted from ashtanga yoga. It describes many different styles of yoga. It means movement synchronized with breath. Vinyasa yoga is for those who’ve never tried yoga and also those who’ve been practicing for years.

11. Yin yoga

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with asanas that are held for longer periods of time. Each poses are held upto five minutes or more. It is a type of yoga with roots in martial arts.Yin can also be a meditative yoga practice that helps you find inner harmony.

12. Restorative yoga

Restorative is a gentle style that allows practitioners to relax and release the body into a gentle stretch that is held for as long as 10 minutes. It also helps to cleanse and free your mind.

13. Prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga is carefully adapted for expectant moms. It helps mothers to prepare for labor and delivery.

The best way to know which style works for you is to give it a try. In next blog I'll be sharing about why yoga and about Chakras. Hope you’ve enjoyed it, I certainly enjoyed writing it.

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